
Learn How Free Scheduling Software Is Bringing Strategic Advantages To Your Scheduling


our aim is to get the best results and to drive productivity to new heights, you should develop a strategic free scheduling software in your business that would schedule employees on the criteria of how good they are at their job and how much revenue they are helping to generate.

You should start making scheduling decisions based on data from the past if you want to turn the boring job of scheduling into a way for your company to make money.

To turn the boring task of scheduling into a revenue-producing avenue for your company it is important that you adopt a data-driven approach when it comes to scheduling. 

This information should display a comparison between your workers on how well they performed

Scheduling Mistakes That You Are Doing

Scheduling On The Basis Of Availability

It is a common practice that when managers are making schedules, they stick to one straight-forward approach which is to make the schedules keeping in mind the availability of the employees ONLY!!!

The reason behind relying on this strategy is that it is easy and simpler to implement. All they have to do is to add the names of the workers in the available shifts and tada work done. 

However, depending on this approach alone is not fruitful. I completely agree to the fact that considering the availability of the workers is a must, but considering only the availability will lead you nowhere. If you want your schedules to be revenue generating activity you should consider more ways as well.

Scheduling On The Basis Of Personal Equations

It has been seen many times in almost every industry that managers assign busier schedules to workers on the basis of social hierarchies or on the basis of the personal equation they share with the respective worker. We have also seen that this approach has brought nothing on the table let alone the revenue, although it might have brought disasters.

If your manager is smart enough, his move while scheduling will be to assign the peak times to the employees with the best sales record or with the best performance. This will bring a boost to your profit and to make this process even easier you should use free scheduling software. This software is there to maximize your bottom line.

Scheduling On The Basis Of Seniority

In most of the industries there is an unspoken rule- the more years you have spent in the organization the better shifts you will be assigned or the shifts of your choice will be assigned to you. While it is very important to acknowledge the senior and loyal employees, acknowledging but assigning them the easier shifts is actually not a good way of acknowledgement.

You can show your acknowledgement through benefits, bonuses, or other professional progressions. Now the question is how to design the schedule. Try opting for free scheduling softwares because they do not care about the seniority when it comes to scheduling. 

Free Scheduling Software

A Scheduling App Can Be Your Best Friend

As I have brought this to your knowledge assigning important shifts to your top-performing employees will give a boost to your profit. But how will you identify the top performers? For that, you must have a record of their performance and a free scheduling app can help you with this. A scheduling app will generate reports of your employers based on previous performances.

You will get to know about the performance of your crew by keeping a check on their overall sales. Although your insight of your top performers may be personal, liable to factors—such as friendliness and customer satisfaction—is definitely not the best course of action for your company.

For example, because Sam usually crashes the sales targets each shift, you might accept this as a truth that he’s your best server. But he only works on the weekends, which are typically busy times. Are his sales high now because he’s a great worker, or is it because he works during the busiest times of the day?

You must have a knack to examine the data carefully. By inspecting the accessible data, you can decide on the input of your employees with greater knowledge. 

You must examine the data closely in order to grasp and distinguish employee performances in a true sense. To put it simply, you can accomplish it as follows:

Comparison Of One Apple With Another

Let’s say you have a basket of apples, some of which have been put together with oranges. You wouldn’t compare them like that, am I correct? In a similar manner, eradicate the oddities before comparing each employee’s performance. 

Regaining Basic Understanding

Examine the raw data like you would examine each apple. Consider each shift as a separate narrative. Differentiate between slow and hard shifts. In this way, the efficiency of each worker in its designated duty is clearly visible to you.

If you want the process to be even more sleek, think about using free scheduling software. It’s analogous to having an extremely strong magnifying glass for your data. With the assistance of this software, you can make sure your choices are supported by reliable data. Thus, the free scheduling software allows you to see clearly regardless of whether you’re an orange or an apple, or in this example, a busy or sluggish shift.

Tips To Create A Perfect Schedule

Before creating a perfect schedule, one should know what actually is a perfect schedule.

Every manager is in a constant struggle to create a schedule that is beneficial for both the employer as well as the worker. However, there are only a handful that can achieve this

As a matter of fact, scheduling is not only an important but a very challenging task as well. Scheduling not done properly can be a nightmare for a business. 

The tip to know that your schedule is perfectly designed is that at the end it should result in:

  • Minimized conflicts
  • Enhanced time management
  • Boosted productivity
  • A happy and satisfied staff

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Browse Platform features

Squadly revolutionizes workforce management with comprehensive features, empowering businesses to optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and deliver exceptional field service experiences with ease and precision. The reporting and analytics capabilities provide valuable insights, while integration capabilities ensure seamless workflow integration. Maximize your workforce’s productivity and customer satisfaction today.

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